Mutual Aid with ‘Gardens for Communities’


We are currently living in uncertain times that are testing our communities. However, the current situation brings to the forefront a need for strong and empowered communities with good food security. We don’t know how supermarkets, retailers and our economy will fare in the coming months, so we should plan and prepare with the people around us to ensure we have surplus.

Kaicycle is offering to facilitate a ‘Gardens for Communities’ mutual aid network, to help get food growing in as many streets and neighbourhoods as possible. We are calling gardeners (and non-gardeners), seed hoarders, and anyone else to join in with your backyards, berms, bicycles and community spirit.

Mutual Aid

Mutual aid is when community members provide material support to other community members who are in need, by creating or re-purposing existing social pathways – linking community members with resources (time, knowledge, cash, transport, etc.) to community members in need of resources.

This might be as simple as leaving a note in your neighbours’ letterboxes with your number and an offer of help, or it might look like…

‘Gardens for Communities’

Given the need for physical distancing, starting large community gardens may not be a safe option. Already established community gardens and urban farms are important food production hubs, and many new small plots will also be highly productive. There are thousands of backyards and front lawns itching to become food oases for numerous communities.

‘Gardens for Communities’ are imagined to be small- to medium-sized plots on berms or backyards that are managed by a few people who are well connected. The food grown is offered to the surrounding community in a take-what-you-need fashion.

Kaicycle can offer advice, tools, seeds, seedlings and compost to the community. If you would like to contribute anything or receive some help please get in touch.


Seedlings & Seeds


The key to any garden is how the plants begin. We are working to expand our production of strong organic seedlings to make them accessible to the community on a pay-what-you-can basis. We also welcome others to add their seedlings into the pool, along with seeds.

We are looking into building a delivery network to help get seedlings to self-isolating households.

See here for the details



Another key ingredient to feeding or building healthy and resilient soil – compost. It can be expensive and hard to get delivered, so we’re working on getting a bulk delivery to our Newtown farm site, which can then be distributed to communities.

See here for the details



Without soil, it’s hard to grow a garden.

Maybe you have some lawn with sun, or maybe there is some nearby. Why not ask your neighbors, or look at the berms around you?

You can register large areas of suitable growing land by emailing us here

Gardening Advice and Support

How do you get those veggies growing well? Do you know? We are looking to compile existing gardening advice, from starting a bed to harvesting a cauliflower.

If you are happy to share information, compile sound advice or talk with others, please email us.

If you would like to receive some information, please sign up here

NOTE: We are in the process of organizing and will be distributing information soon

Support this project

Please email us if you can support this project, have ideas, can provide materials/time/seeds, want to help organize or anything else

Please see this page for making donations to the network