Buy our compost


Thanks for your interest in purchasing some of our living compost!

We have two kinds of compost available. Both kinds are made with a balanced mixture of food scraps, arborist mulch and small amounts of coffee chaff. We minimise potential for contamination by persistent chemicals and microplastics by not accepting or composting any compostable products and by not accepting grass clippings. All our compost is maintained at pasteurisation temperatures of at least 55C to kill pathogens.

HotRot compost

Farmstyle compost

  • HotRot compost: This compost has been made in an in-vessel composting process followed by maturation for 3+ months. It is our best-looking compost!

  • Farmstyle compost: This compost has been made manually in our composting boxes over 4+ months. It’s chunkier and looks closer to great home-made compost.

Please fill in our compost order request form to tell us your preferred collection location and time, compost amount and any other requirements. Then we'll email back to confirm your order and collection and provide payment instructions. We require payment by bank transfer. 

Please note:

  • Our compost is unsifted. We try to remove large chunks of wood, fruit stickers etc, but you may find some of these in your compost.

  • Picking up compost from us at Hospital Rd involves carrying 40 L (approx 20 kg) bags of compost a distance of approx. 40 meters. Let us know via the form below if this will be a barrier for you.

  • Parking at Kaicycle Urban Farm is very limited. We have one car park in our entrance way which can be used for compost collections. All street parking is for the Hospital.

  • Compost bags are reused grain bags thanks to Garage Project - no new plastic! These can be returned to us, just leave them in the same place you collected compost from.


Get donated compost


We donate compost to local food growing projects in the community, such as community gardens, schools, marae and healthcare providers.

Please fill in the form below to tell us your preferred collection location and time, compost amount and any other requirements. Then we'll email back to confirm your order and collection.

Please note:

  • Our compost is unsifted. We try to remove large chunks, fruit stickers etc, but you may find some of these in your compost.

  • You will need to load up compost yourself from our maturation piles. We may be able to bag up smaller amounts for you.

  • Parking at Kaicycle Urban Farm is very limited. We have one car park in our entrance way which can be used for compost collections. All street parking is for the Hospital.