Kaicycle Urban Farm Community Days

Have you been looking for a chance to visit Kaicycle Urban Farm? Come along to one of our community open days on the first Saturday of each month throughout spring, summer, and autumn to check us out! Each month our open day includes a working bee, farm tour, koha workshop, and a table with a range of produce, compost, and seedlings for sale. Come along for as much or as little of the day as you would like and keep an eye out for additional community day activities such as yoga, arts and crafts, and music in the māra.

Community Open Day timings:

9am - 12:30pm Community Working Bee.
Registrations required, sign up here.

12:30pm - 1:30pm, Kai. Bring a picnic lunch and join us for koha coffee, tea, and cake.

1:30pm - 2:00pm Farm Tour. We’ll show you around the farm, kōrero about what we do and answer your pātai. No sign up required.

2:00pm - 3:30pm Koha workshop. See below for the workshop schedule. Registrations required, sign up by emailing: community@kaicycle.org.nz

Garden produce, seedlings and compost will be available to purchase throughout the day. We can accept cash or bank transfer!

Workshop Schedule

  • Organic gardening 101 2nd Nov

  • Micro-greens 7th Dec

  • Composting 101 1st Feb

  • Soil health 1st March

  • Making your own organic fertilisers 5th April

  • Reframing weeds and foraging for salad and tea 3rd May

At each Community Open Day we will run one of our workshops. We want this to be accessible to everyone so ask that you koha what you can afford. If that’s a gold coin that is completely fine! If you can afford more we really appreciate it - we are a charity and rely on donations to be able to carry out our mahi. Workshops require advance registration and you can register by emailing community@kaicycle.org.nz.