Volunteer agreement
When you sign up to volunteer at Kaicycle Urban Farm you agree to abide by our Health and Safety Policy and Code of Conduct, and to follow the instructions of Kaicycle staff. When you first come to Kaicycle as a volunteer, one of our staff will go through a Health and Safety induction with you and outline any relevant risks. We will do everything we can to mitigate hazards and keep you safe while you are on our site. However, there are always some risks involved in outdoor farm mahi. By signing up to volunteer, you acknowledge these risks and agree to take reasonable care for your health and safety and of others. We are dedicated to creating a safe space for all, so if you notice any hazards, unsafe practices, or anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsure, please raise these issues with us as soon as possible. If you are not able to raise these in person for whatever reason, you can use the anonymous disclosure form on our website (https://kaicycle.org.nz/reporting-an-incident)
Hazards at the farm include, but are not limited to:
Trip, slip, and fall hazards such as irrigation hoses, muddy ground, and obstacles in pathways.
The weather (sun, cold, rain, wind).
Sharp tools.
Please make sure that you:
Bring closed toed footwear such as gumboots, hiking or work boots, old sneakers that you don’t mind getting a bit muddy.
Dress in clothing that is suitable for the weather e.g. sunhat, raincoat, warm clothing. Kaicycle has no indoor space, so it’s essential that you are dressed for the conditions.
Bring a water bottle. Kaicycle does have clean drinking water.
Bring any medications that you require.
If you would like to see our full risk register, or if you have any questions or concerns, please email community@kaicycle.org.nz